
This event has expired


Grade A Stall – 20ft/10ft

Price £1000

£200 Security Deposit (Refundable)*

Total : £1200

T&T Eid Mela 2023
Terms and Conditions for Stallholders
1. Bookings for stalls at the Fair are for space only. Based on the Stall Packages there are two sized stalls. 1st
type single stall space is 10ft wide and 10ft deep and 2nd type single stall space is 20ft wide and 10ft Deep.
2. Stall spaces at this Fair will be pre-allocated. The location of stalls will be determined by the Fair Committee
whose decision is final. Every endeavor will be made to meet the general wishes of stallholders with regard to
position, without causing unfairness to others.
3. Stallholders may only sell the goods/provide the services that have been agreed by the Fair Committee and
that they have listed on the booking form.
4. Food stalls who have booked as a commercial food stall can sell foods for consumption at the Fair. Standard
stall holders must not sell any food that is intended to be eaten at the Fair.
5. If too many stallholders apply to sell similar products, priority will be given to locally based stall holders,
subject to quality standards.
6. The Fair Committee reserves the right to refuse applications or participation in the Fair. The Committee
reserves the right to reject any proposed entry or to cancel an entry without being required to give a reason. In such
cases any fees submitted will be refunded.
7. All stallholders and their representatives agree to abide by any instructions given to them by the Fair
organizing Committee.
8. Rude or abusive behaviors will not be tolerated and will result in removal from the Fair and barring from
future events.
9. Stallholders are not permitted to close down or pack up during the Fair open hours (11am – 7pm).
10. Stallholders must keep their stalls and surrounding area clean and tidy and must sort, bag and tie their
rubbish at the end of the day, in accordance with recycling instructions issued by the Fair Committee.
11. Stallholders are allowed vehicular access to their stall area to unload before 10AM. All vehicles must be
removed from the field by 10AM.
12. No parking is provided on site, and no vehicles will be permitted on the Fair site during open hours (11AM –
13. The Fair Committee, their agents and anyone associated with the organization of the Fair shall not be
responsible for any loss or damage to merchandise or personal property or for injury to any person caused by the
day’s activities, the weather or any other reason or cause.
14. Money and valuables should be kept out of sight and secured.
15. There will be no refund of fees in case of bad weather or for any other reason, except in the case of cancellation due to Coronavirus – please see point 20 below.
16. Stallholders whose trade, profession or practice is regulated in any way (licensed, certified or otherwise
regulated) must provide evidence of compliance with such regulations.
17. We strongly advise stallholders to have their own insurance to cover personal accidents etc.
18. Charities must provide proof of charitable status.
19. Organizers of the event cannot be held responsible if the Fair is cancelled before or on the day for any
reason (see point 20 below re Coronavirus related cancellation).
20. Coronavirus – if the Fair has to be cancelled due to Coronavirus reasons, stallholders payments for their stall
space will be refunded.
21. Only 10 Stalls will be provided for foods and Snacks stalls (Only Available for Grade-A)
22. First come First Serve.
23. Initial security deposit of £200.00 should be Paid with the Stall charge. The security deposits shall be
refunded soon after the satisfaction and completion of inspection by the inspector within 48hours time frame after
the completion of Event.
24. The Stall should be left within 19:30 with all the belongings by ensuring cleanliness of the venue (Your stall
25. Foods stall should provide approved Health and Hygiene Certificate.
26. Strict prohibition of selling alcohol in the stalls
27. Only cans and bottled drink are allowed to sell.
28. Lists of Selling items should be disclosed prior to 5 working days of the event.
29. Cooking using fire is prohibited (like Gas cylinder, Burners, Fireworks, coal, charcoal etc.
Stall should be ready before 10:00 AM


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